Hi, I am Ahmed

Full Stack Engineer

Computer scientist, passionate software engineer, aspiring artist, lifelong learner.

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About Me

ahmed's image

Particular interest in product development, education, music, and social entrepreneurship.

1 Year
10+ Completed
01 Certificate


My technical level

Frontend development


JavaScript, TypeScript

React, Angular

Backend development


Node.js, Next.js, NestJS

Express, Flask


Mongoose (MongoDB)


Mobile Development

XCode, Swift

React Native




Firebase, AWS


AWS Cloud Practitioner


My journey so far

French High School

Pierre Mendès France,
2015 - 2018

B.S in Computer Science

University of Rochester,
Rochester, NY
Aug 2018 - May 2022

Cloud Practitioner

AWS Certificate

MEng in Artifical Intelligence

Duke University,
Durham, NC
Aug 2024 - Dec 2025

Software Engineer Intern


Junior Software Engineer

JD Software,
Salem, MA
2022 - 2023

Full-Stack Software Engineer

Wetware Biosystems,


Past projects

Wetware Device Management System

A full-stack react app allowing Wetware Biosystems to manage the devices they manufacture.

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Linear Regression Model To Understand the Environmental Factors that Contribute to Spread of COVID-19

Attempt to use Data Mining to understand the environmental factors that contribute the most to the spread of COVID-19

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A fun variation of the game Othello, with an AI program that wins against humans

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Lob Pong

2D Java Game similar to the Pong Arcade game, where the goal is to “throw” and “catch” projectiles.

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Side-by-side assembly language and corresponding source code for Rust programs

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Bayesian Network for Inference

Program that infers probabilities of events given evidence variables in a domain of sample data given as input

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Tap The Color

Mobile iOS game that requires the user to tap the right color based on a given target color.

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Exposure Diary

Mobile iOS app that allows the user to enter their trips to various destinations, the mileage, duration, purpose and number of people they came into direct contact with to stay covid safe.

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Music Stats

MusicStats is a mobile iOS app that allows the user to keep track of the music they like with a focus on the genres the user listens to the most.

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Words from colleagues and employers

Bradley Smith

CEO, Wetware Biosystems

"When my biotechnology company was seeking to build a global device management system, we needed a developer who was not only willing to build our desired core functionalities, but also incorporated industry standard practices and went above and beyond to implement further improvements to the overall device management architecture. Ahmed stood out from those we've worked with in the past, and delivered an intuitive, information rich system. Ahmed's professionalism and diligence were exceptional, and worked seamlessly our management team to build an ideal solution to fit our needs. I wholeheartedly recommend Ahmed's services for software development, especially for medical device management."

Soufiane Rafik

Senior Software Engineer, JD Software

"I had the pleasure of working alongside Ahmed at JD Software. Ahmed was an exceptional software engineer. He was able to jump on new projects and quickly grasp even the most complex systems with little guidance, domain knowledge and technology stacks. What amazed me the most was his ability to communicate effectively with clients, especially during client meetings. He was able to explain technical concepts in a clear and concise manner, which made it easy for clients to understand and trust him with the projects assigned to him. I have no doubt that he will continue to excel in his career and make a positive impact on any team he joins. I highly recommend him for any software engineering role and am confident that he will exceed expectations in any project he works on."

Adam Hammerschmidt

Senior Manager Software Engineering, DealerPolicy

"Ahmed exceeded our expectations and was an absolute pleasure to work with. He balanced professionalism with humor and was very reliable throughout the program."

"Ahmed is an excellent communicator and collaborated well with all members of our engineering team. He showed curiosity and was not afraid to ask questions but balanced his questions with patience as to not hijack progress. He embraced feedback and was thirst for constructive criticism."

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Durham, NC