Exposure Diary

iOS App

The app allows the user to keep track of their trips to various destinations and number of people they came into direct contact with to stay covid safe.

About Tap The Color

Exposure Diary allows users to keep track of their trips and stay safe during the pandemic. The app was created using Swift and Xcode, and is localized to French. With Exposure Diary, users can input their trips to various destinations, including the mileage, duration, purpose, and number of people they came into direct contact with. The app only accepts numbers for mileage and duration, and will display an alert if the user tries to input anything else.
The main view controller keeps track of the entries' stats, such as total mileage, total time spent traveling, the number of different locations visited, and the total number of direct contacts. The app features an animated stats page where the displayed stats move from the bottom to the middle of the view controller. It displays all the entries in a table, showing the most relevant information such as destination, mileage, duration, and the number of people they came into direct contact with.

Users can delete entries from the table view, but will receive an alert to confirm deletion. When a new entry is saved, a regular alert will display to inform the user that the entry was saved successfully. Overall, ExposureDiary is a simple attempt to help users stay safe during the pandemic and become more self-aware of their exposure .

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+1 (585)705-8594




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